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Unlock the power of print with PrintLynxx!
No other software can match its capabilities.

PrintLynxx enables collaboration between everyone involved with each project. It transforms painful complexities into streamlined workflows. It improves control and reduces cost to maximize marketing resources, enhance marketing effectiveness and eliminate headaches from print operations.

Enables Collaboration Print

Enables Collaboration

PrintLynxx enables effective collaboration by connecting team members, coordinating workflows, automating the decision hierarchy and facilitating knowledge and asset sharing across your entire marketing supply chain.

Transforms Complexity

Transforms Complexity

PrintLynxx allows you to meet challenges head-on. It transforms tedious, manual steps into an automated process, providing seamless project management, and anytime, anywhere access to critical information.

Improves Control

Improves Control

PrintLynxx makes it possible to establish, monitor and maintain control without reducing departmental autonomy. It captures and reports fiscal, operational and compliance activities, providing transparency and reporting.

Reduce Print Costs

Reduce Costs

PrintLynxx increases efficiencies by exposing areas where unrealized costs fester, to enhance marketing effectiveness without increasing budgets. Our exclusive competitive method provides up to a 40% cost savings.

Enables Collaboration

End-To-End Collaboration

End-To-End Collaboration

Whether you have an in-house creative department, external resources, or both, PrintLynxx provides a formal means for collaboration among the people who create your marketing and communication materials and those who approve, produce, distribute, implement and pay for the project.

Automated and Connected

Automated and Connected

When staff members are sick or absent, a file is misplaced or an email goes unread, you are forced to redo work and duplicate effort. With PrintLynxx, business continues without interruption. Because all team members are connected, tasks are easily re-routed to designated team members.

Spec and Asset Management

Spec and Asset Management

PrintLynxx ensures consistency between creative vision and final output. We provide intuitive tools for sharing and delivery of creative and brand assets. Templates, wizards and archives make writing perfect specifications simple. Workflow automation puts specifications in the right hands at the right time.

The Right Info in the Right Hands

The Right Info in the Right Hands

Ensuring that specifications, creative files, brand assets and distribution data are where they need to be, when they need to be, is critical to achieving an efficient, successful project. PrintLynxx facilitates the proper flow of information while providing a window into progress, action and decision making .

With all of the people, tasks, information and deadlines involved in your projects, the smallest detail in collaboration can mean the difference between success and catastrophe.
PrintLynxx enables collaboration by connecting team members and coordinating workflows. It automates schedules and prompts for tasks and decisions to strengthen commonly weak links in the marketing supply chain. With PrintLynxx, strategic connections get information, assets, requirements and knowledge directly to the right people at the right time to help them get their jobs done with efficiency and ease.
In your marketing supply chain information flows with ease, from creative to delivery with team members coordinated and connected.

Transforms Complexity

Chaotic. That’s the word we hear when people describe getting all of a project’s team members, documents, tasks, communications and dependencies in synch to make everything work as planned.
Only PrintLynxx is built to account for all of a the necessary moving parts of your projects and address them as required by your workflow. PrintLynxx transforms chaotic complexity into clockwork-smooth efficiency that keeps you in control without all of the headaches.

Clear Budgeting and Scheduling

PrintLynxx clearly delineates between budgeting, estimating and final pricing to simplify the establishment of accurate financial numbers. Our software automates schedule building, establishes proofing workflows and outlines delivery and distribution requirements across multiple vendors and distribution points.

Hassle-Free Requests for Pricing

PrintLynxx automatically routes uniform requests for pricing to your qualified vendors. Responses are securely routed back and documented. Authorized personnel may execute the purchase order with a single click, or pricing information can be routed through your approval process eliminating fragmented communication.

Smoother Sourcing

Whether through competitive pricing, negotiation or direct contract, PrintLynxx turns time-consuming, hassle-filled sourcing tasks into a precise, convenient and efficient operation. You will obtain the quality you demand, in the time you require and at the low price you seek.

Connect Specs to Capability

By objectively qualifying your vendors and establishing project specifications, you set the groundwork for automated vendor identification. When using our optional competitive method, PrintLynxx will automatically identify which of your vendors’ capabilities and qualifications match your specifications.

Improves Control

The number of things happening in a process is directly related to how much control is required. Given everything that goes on in print planning and acquisition, there’s a lot of control to be worried about.
PrintLynxx offers you the advantage of knowing that every step, task, decision and dependency of each and every project has been scheduled, recorded, communicated and reported. Progress is monitored against milestones. Team members are prompted for action while specs, creative and other assets are routed automatically.

Built-In Auditable Accountability

Transparent, efficient communication and automated capture of information means control blends with your process instead of getting in the way of it. With a record of every action across all functions, internal and external, PrintLynxx provides across the board accountability and a complete audit trail that’s safely and easily accessible.

Easy Financial Compliance

PrintLynxx measures and monitors financial activity and compliance with your fiscal terms while keeping your team members informed and connected. Our software can be integrated with ERP, procurement, finance, accounting and accounts payable software.

Comprehensive Data Access

PrintLynxx provides controlled access to operational, qualitative and fiscal data associated with creative, procurement, personnel, production and payment and vendor activities. Standard reports are instantly available for download, review and analysis and custom reports can be created for just about anything.

Built-In Policy Administration

You can rest assured that every project managed through PrintLynxx will be in full compliance with your organizational policies, rules, regulations, terms and conditions. From forms and notices of non-objective requirements, to certification and business status initiatives, compliance is ensured.

Improves Control
Reduce Costs

Reduce Costs

What could you accomplish by squeezing 40% more out of every dollar you invest in print?
PrintLynxx is the only software proven to drive a significant reduction in per-unit cost of print and direct mail. It is users reinvest that savings in greater market reach or turn it into additional initiatives. Best of all is the fact that you don’t have to sacrifice quality, service or the trust you have in your vendors.

Take Your Budget Further

Only PrintLynxx produces cost savings of up to 40%. By reducing per-unit costs of your print materials, you maximize return on your print investment. You can use these savings to gain greater market coverage or reinvest in other initiatives.

Supports Sourcing Alternatives

Proven to achieve up to 40% per-unit cost savings, our exclusive sourcing method is the only method designed for the print and marketing supply chain. Even when using other sourcing methods, PrintLynxx builds collaboration, reduces complexity, enables control and increases operational efficiency by up to 53%.

No Loss of Quality, Service or Trust

If whoever wrote that old adage “Quality, Service or Price…Pick Two” had been using PrintLynxx, they would have never written it. Because you use the vendors you know and trust, just in a more efficient environment where their qualifications are matched to your specs, you achieve the best possible mix of quality, service and price.

Clear Change Order Management

PrintLynxx creates an environment where costly change orders are rare. Transparent, documented specifications and communications, along with automatically prompted action items, eliminate the potential for misunderstandings and schedule delays.

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